Winners Chapel International Saskatoon Canada is a branch of the Living Faith Church Worldwide where Dr. David Oyedepo is the Presiding Bishop. Winners Chapel International Saskatoon is a Church where Winning in life is taught as a lifestyle and experienced by its vibrant membership. Challenges are normal to life, but greater than that is the victory we have in Christ by faith. By practical life-transforming teachings of the Word of Faith, multitudes of lives are being rescued from all oppressions of the enemy and brought to a place of dominion over all of lives challenges.
Here at Winners Chapel International Saskatoon, you will find the power of the Word of Faith, the refreshing of His presence and great warmth of fellowship in all our services and life together. Anointed pastoral care and attention is available for your welfare and fulfillment of destiny from our pastoral team. In whatever area life you seem to be hurting, you are sure to find restoration, joy and fulfillment when you become a Winner. Located at 21, 1738 Quebec Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 1V9, Canada, you can find a place of refuge where your needs will be met by God.
God Bless You!